Change in Address of Company

Change in Address of Company starting from ₹ 1500/-

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Print new stationary after change

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Change Registered Office Address of Company in 7-10 day

Introduction of Change in Address of Company

A Registered Office of a Company means a place of business being capable of receiving and acknowledging the communications and notices. The Companies Act, 2013 has mandatorily made for all the Companies to have their Registered Offices and the location of the same should be in the knowledge of the Registrar of Companies (RoC) including any changes if any made thereto.

A Company may on its own can shift its Registered Office from one place to another by complying with the provisions of Companies Act, 2013. It can do so either within the same city, or same state or from one state to another.

Legal Window can help you with Change Registered Office Address of Private Limited Company just by following certain steps by providing the best assistance, timely delivery and guaranteeing the highest customer satisfaction You may get in touch with our team on 072407-51000 or email .

Change in Address of Company

Change Within Local Limits of City

  • Requirement of Boards Approval
  • Easy and Fast Process

Change of Business Objective

  • Requirement Shareholders Approval
  • Simple and time consuming

Change from one City to Another Same State Different ROC

  • Requirement of Shareholders and RD Approval
  • Complex and Time Consuming

Change from One
 State to Another

  • Requirement of Shareholders and RD Approval
  • Complex and Time Consuming

Change in Address of Company Within Local Limits of City

Applicability : The change in registered office is regulated under Section 12 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Documents Required

DSC of any Director

Board Resolutions

Business Address Proof(Not older than 2 months)
Owned Property
: (Copy of Registry and Latest Govt. Electricity Bill or Water Bill)

Business Address Proof(Not older than 2 months)
Rent Agreement, NOC from the Owner, Latest Govt. Electricity Bill or Water Bill)

Process of Change in Address of Company

1. Complete the Application Form
You are requested to first fill the simple questionnaire provided by our expert team which will enable us to know the case of shifting i.e. within the same city, or same state but different city or from one state to another.

2. Document Processing
At the second step we will be required to produce the documents in accordance with the questionnaire filled base upon which case will be dealt so that we can arrange them as per the requirement and for processing.

3. Drafting of Notice and Agenda of the Meeting
After arranging the documents we will begin with the drafting of Notice, Agenda of the Board Meeting.

4. Holding of Board Meeting
You have to call a Board Meeting on the specified date, time and venue and pass the board  resolution for change of the registered office of the company with relevant proofs. (The meeting can be called after giving notice of clear 7 days or at a shorter notice.)

5. Filing of Forms with ROC
After the meeting has been conducted we will prepare the Certified Copy of Board Resolution and other necessary documents and get it signed from the directors. The form INC-22 shall be filled on the Portal of Ministry of Corporate Affairs thereby informing the ROC for shifting if Registered Office of the Company within the same city.

6. Intimation of Approval from ROC
Once the form is filed, you will receive confirmation from the respective ROC on the registered email id of the company and we will mail you the updated master data of the company.

Change of Registered Office from one City to another (Same State and Same ROC)

Applicability : The change in registered office is regulated under Section 12 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Documents Required

Board Resolutions

Special Resolution

DSC of any Director

Attendance Sheet of EOGM

Business Address Proof (Not older than 2 months)

Rented/leased : Rent Agreement, NOC from the Owner, Latest Govt. Electricity Bill or Water Bill);

Business Address Proof (Not older than 2 months)

Owned Property : (Copy of Registry and Latest Govt. Electricity Bill or Water Bill);

Process of Change in Address of Company

1. Complete the Application Form
You are requested to first fill the simple questionnaire provided by our expert team which will enable us to know the case of shifting i.e. within the same city, or same state but different city or from one state to another.

2. Document Processing
At the second step we will be required to produce the documents in accordance with the questionnaire filled base upon which case will be dealt so that we can arrange them as per the requirement and for processing.

3. Drafting of Notice and Agenda of the Meeting
After arranging the documents we will begin with the drafting of Notice, Agenda of the Board Meeting and EOGM.

4. Holding of Board Meeting
You have to call a Board Meeting on the specified date, time and venue and pass the resolution for change of the registered office of the company with relevant proofs and call for the Notice of EOGM for taking Shareholders approval. (The board meeting can be called after giving notice of clear 7 days or at a shorter notice.)

5. Holding of EOGM
Sending the notice(of not less than 21 clear days or shorter notice) for conducting EOGM and holding the meeting on the specified date, time and venue and taking the approval from the members and passing the special resolution.

6. Filing of Forms with ROC
After the meeting has been conducted we will prepare the Certified Copy of Resolution and other necessary documents and get it signed from the directors. The form INC-22 and MGT-14 shall be filled on the Portal of Ministry of Corporate Affairs thereby informing the ROC for shifting if Registered Office of the Company from one city to another.

7. Intimation of Approval from ROC
Once the form is filed, you will receive confirmation from the respective ROC on the registered email id of the company and we will mail you the updated master data of the company.

Change of Registered Office from one City to another ( Same State and Different ROC)

Applicability : The change in registered office is regulated under Section 12 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Documents Required

Board Resolutions

Special Resolution

MOA and AOA of the Company

DSC of any Director

A proof of intimation to the Chief Secretary of the state as to the proposed shifting and that the employees interest is not affected due to change in registered office

A declaration by KMP or any two directors stating that the company has not defaulted in any payments to workmen and consent from creditors for shifting the registered office.

Business Address Proof(Not older than 2 months)
Owned Property
: (Copy of Registry and Latest Govt. Electricity Bill or Water Bill)

Business Address Proof(Not older than 2 months)
Rent Agreement, NOC from the Owner, Latest Govt. Electricity Bill or Water Bill)

Process of Change in Address of Company

1. Complete the Application Form
You are requested to first fill the simple questionnaire provided by our expert team which will enable us to know the case of shifting i.e. within the same city, or same state but different city or from one state to another.

2. Document Processing
At the second step we will be required to produce the documents in accordance with the questionnaire filled base upon which case will be dealt so that we can arrange them as per the requirement and for processing.

3. Drafting of Notice and Agenda of the Meeting
After arranging the documents we will begin with the drafting of Notice, Agenda of the Board Meeting and EOGM.

4. Holding of Board Meeting
You have to call a Board Meeting on the specified date, time and venue and pass the resolution for change of the registered office of the company with relevant proofs and call for the Notice of EOGM for taking Shareholders approval. (The board meeting can be called after giving notice of clear 7 days or at a shorter notice.)

5. Holding of EOGM
Sending the notice(of not less than 21 clear days or shorter notice) for conducting EOGM and holding the meeting on the specified date, time and venue and taking the approval from the members and passing the special resolution.

6. Application to RD
An application in form INC-23 will be filed for confirmation from RD regarding the change in registered office from one city to another but having a different ROC. The RD shall examine the matter whether it should be put up for hearing or not and will approve or reject the application within 15 days of filing the form.

7. Filing of Forms with ROC
After the approval from RD we will file the necessary forms INC-28, INC-22 and MGT-14 on the Portal of Ministry of Corporate Affairs thereby informing the ROC for shifting if Registered Office of the Company from one city to another but different ROC.

8. Intimation of Approval from ROC
Once the form is filed, you will receive confirmation from the respective ROC on the registered email id of the company and we will mail you the updated master data of the company.

Change of Registered Office from one State to another State

Applicability : The change in registered office is regulated under Section 12 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Documents Required

DSC of any Director

Special Resolution

Board Resolutions

MOA and AOA of the Company

Copy of Minutes of General Meeting /EOGM

List of Creditors and Debenture holders

Newspaper Advertisement

Business Address Proof(Not older than 2 months)
Rent Agreement, NOC from the Owner, Latest Govt. Electricity Bill or Water Bill)

A proof of intimation to the Chief Secretary of the state as to the proposed shifting and that the employees interest is not affected due to change in registered office

Process of Change in Address of Company

1. Complete the Application Form
You are requested to first fill the simple questionnaire provided by our expert team which will enable us to know the case of shifting i.e. within the same city, or same state but different city or from one state to another.

2. Document Processing
At the second step we will be required to produce the documents in accordance with the questionnaire filled base upon which case will be dealt so that we can arrange them as per the requirement and for processing.

3. Drafting of Notice and Agenda of the Meeting
After arranging the documents we will begin with the drafting of Notice, Agenda of the Board Meeting and EOGM.

4. Holding of Board Meeting
You have to call a Board Meeting on the specified date, time and venue and pass the resolution for change of the registered office of the company with relevant proofs and call for the Notice of EOGM for taking Shareholders approval. (The board meeting can be called after giving notice of clear 7 days or at a shorter notice.)

5. Holding of EOGM
Sending the notice(of not less than 21 clear days or shorter notice) for conducting EOGM and holding the meeting on the specified date, time and venue and taking the approval from the members and passing the special resolution and file form MGT-14

6. Advertisement in Newspaper
An advertisement has to be given in the principal vernacular language in the district and in English language in an English newspaper having wide circulation in the State in which the registered office of the company is situated before 30 days of filing an application to RD and shall also be served to Central Government on publication.

7. Application to RD
An application in form INC-23 will be filed for confirmation from RD regarding the change in registered office from one state to another. The RD shall examine the matter whether it should be put up for hearing or not and will approve or reject the application within 15 days of filing the form.

8. Filing of Forms with ROC
After the approval from RD we will file the necessary forms INC-28, INC-22 and MGT-14 on the Portal of Ministry of Corporate Affairs thereby informing the ROC for shifting if Registered Office of the Company from one city to another but different ROC.

9. Get a New Certificate of Incorporation
Lastly, after the approval is received from the ROC it will issue a New Certificate of Incorporation will be provided through e-mail which signifies that the Company's Registered Office has been changed and we will mail you the updated master data of the company

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FAQ's on Change in Address of Company

Can I use my residential Address for the Registered Office of the Company?

Yes, as per Companies Act, 2013 there are no requirement that the property should be commercial property.

What is the time period of informing the ROC regarding the shifting of Registered Office?

A time period of 30 days is permitted after obtaining all the approvals i.e. whether Board Resolution or Special Resolution depending upon the case.

What records must be maintained at the registered office?

All the books of accounts of the Company must be kept at the Registered Office but if they are kept at any other place in India as per the discussion of the Board of Directors, the company shall send a notice in writing to the Registrar of Companies that place, mentioning the full address of the place where the books of accounts are kept by filing a prescribed form.

Do I have to personally visit for the RD hearings?

Legal Window has team of experts who will handle all the hearings on your behalf. In some cases. You may have to appear which depends upon case to case basis.

Do I have to appear physically at your office for any change in registered office?

No, we will process all the documents via mail. You don’t need to physically visit our office. We can also arrange board meetings and general meetings if required.

Whether change in the Registered Office address requires changes in the memorandum of the Company?

Yes, only if the change pertains to shifting of Registered Office from one state to another.

Whether a Registered Office can be established outside India?

A Company registered under Companies Act, 2013 must have a Registered Office established within India only.

How much time does it take to change the registered office of the company?
  • Change of registered office within the city – 2-3 days
  • Change of Registered Office from one City to another ( Same State and Same ROC) – 3-4 days
  • Change of Registered Office from one City to another ( Same State and Different ROC) – 30-35 days
  • Change of Registered Office from one State to another State – 30-40 days

All the time schedule depends upon the working of the company and the documents are filed within time.

Can I place my books of accounts and other documents at any other place then registered office?

Yes, you can put your books of accounts and other documents at any other place by informing the Ministry/Registrar by filing the relevant form.

Can two or three companies have same registered office ?

In case there is a capacity for such number of offices then by taking NOC from the previous company you can have the same registered office.